Technical Programs

Gedik Vocational School

Information Security Technology

As the technology renews itself day by day, the security and confidentiality of information stored or shared in digital media is of great importance. Due to the fact that data can be processed, put into service, transported and archived in a digital environment, a number of important issues such as ensuring the security and integrity of information come along. Information security, while ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information, enables accessibility at any time, and technology, process, method, methodology briefly incorporates the human element that brings out all of these and becomes an increasingly important area for the information world.

Computer Programming

This program trains technical staffs who has learned related concepts and terminology in the field of information processing technologies, has the ability to recognize and implement new systems needed in this sector, can solve problems that will occur in software and hardware, has the ability to produce new software, is well-equipped as quickly meet the needs of the sector, is capable of performing maintenance, repair and operation of the data processing system in operation, is qualified to work in design and operation systems including quality assurance. Computer Programming Program trains very good level of computer knowledge and qualified intermediate staff who can work in all fields of the computer sector and prepare the students for the future by providing education in the highest standard in terms of the informatics industry and our students’ expectations.

Computer Programming (Evening Education)

This program trains technical staffs who has learned related concepts and terminology in the field of information processing technologies, has the ability to recognize and implement new systems needed in this sector, can solve problems that will occur in software and hardware, has the ability to produce new software, is well-equipped as quickly meet the needs of the sector, is capable of performing maintenance, repair and operation of the data processing system in operation, is qualified to work in design and operation systems including quality assurance. Computer Programming Program trains very good level of computer knowledge and qualified intermediate staff who can work in all fields of the computer sector and prepare the students for the future by providing education in the highest standard in terms of the informatics industry and our students’ expectations.

Biomedical Device Technology

Gedik Vocational School has an intensive practical training in Biomedical Device Technology program. In addition to the summer practice of 30 working days, our students practice some of the lessons in the laboratories while they practice in the 3rd and 4th semesters by going to the contracted state hospitals in İstanbul Anatolian side, one full day a week. In this way, they can have a job experience where they can write their CVs on their job applications by gaining experience about the profession without graduating, knowing the profession and working environment in place and knowing it closely.


With the necessity of establishing a strong relationship between the school and industry in order to enable the student to better prepare himself for his business life, he has to train qualified technical staff by providing the students with the skills of observation and decision making, problem definition, experiment and experience, plans were. The title of the graduates who have graduated from the program is the title of “Electrical Technician”.

Electricity and Energy sector; It is growing rapidly as it has been in the past, in countries that produce energy externally dependent, developing and rapidly populating countries. For this reason, the energy problem is constantly on the agenda, due to the limited availability of energy resources around the world. Our energy sector; Conditions, needs, economic and international relations. Electricity is of the utmost importance, especially as the industry is easy to use, portable and has entered many areas of human life. The increasing use of electricity by the increase of industrialization, revealed the power of human power educated about electricity. The Electricity Program is thought to be closing this gap by educating the technicians of the sector and the electric technicians following the market.

Electric (Evening Education)

With the necessity of establishing a strong relationship between the school and industry in order to enable the student to better prepare himself for his business life, he has to train qualified technical staff by providing the students with the skills of observation and decision making, problem definition, experiment and experience, plans were. The title of the graduates who have graduated from the program is the title of “Electrical Technician”.

Electricity and Energy sector; It is growing rapidly as it has been in the past, in countries that produce energy externally dependent, developing and rapidly populating countries. For this reason, the energy problem is constantly on the agenda, due to the limited availability of energy resources around the world. Our energy sector; Conditions, needs, economic and international relations. Electricity is of the utmost importance, especially as the industry is easy to use, portable and has entered many areas of human life. The increasing use of electricity by the increase of industrialization, revealed the power of human power educated about electricity. The Electricity Program is thought to be closing this gap by educating the technicians of the sector and the electric technicians following the market.

Construction Technology

Our program is a two-year education program which provides the need for qualified manpower needed by the construction sector in both production and after-sales service levels to meet the expectations of the quality and service philosophy that will meet the expectations of the age.

Construction technician; in his/her work, he/she is an intermediate technician who has more theoretical knowledge than technician and has more application skills than engineer between senior manager and/or engineer and technician. In these qualifications, a technician can assume the role of management in small and medium-sized enterprises. Construction Technicians; is a professional group who take active role in construction of buildings such as dams, roads, airports, dwellings, and control services; besides working as technical staff in natural resource, transportation/road, building sections and material test laboratories of public or local administrations.

Welding Technology

In our program, which is the locomotive of the Vocational School, we have been training qualified welding technicians who need theoretical knowledge and application skills of the related industrial sectors since the first day of university education. We have trained our students, with over 50 years experience of Gedik Holding, to master the fundamental metallurgy and materials issues with all kinds of knowledge and skills in the field of welding technology. We educate our profession not only in practice but also in terms of knowledge. Today, some of our graduates work in the industry while others work in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering departments through vertical transfer.

Our students who graduate from our program can also participate in the “International Welding Technician” or “International Welding Inspector” trainings, which are organized by GEV as the responsible member of IIW (International Welding Institute) located in Paris, They may also have a second degree with international validity. At the same time, they are able to continue their education with a 75% discount on the engineering faculty of our university through the vertical transfer examination.

Chemistry Technology

The program aims to provide students with the basic principles of chemistry and the ability to operate and control advanced equipment with advanced technology. In this respect, the task of the chemistry technician is to have a broad knowledge of the basic principles of chemistry, as well as the ability to operate and control specialized equipment with advanced technology.

The field of Chemical Technology will educate the professionals who will be able to meet the needs of the industry in various industries and have the necessary professional competence in accordance with scientific and technological developments and will serve as a bridge between chemical engineers, chemists and workers in the chemical industry.


At the level of technician, it is able to use computer-aided design, machining and chisel-free manufacturing methods with the knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic, engineering, etc. which can use any kind of machining machine and can produce and install the machine parts and train the specialist “Machine Technician” who can read and draw technical drawings. Academic staff and physical sub-construction are prepared in this direction.

Students studying at the Gedik University Vocational School Program aim not only to have knowledge and skills in machine technology, but also to master the basic manufacturing and design issues and to educate the profession in a completely conceptual way not only in terms of application but also in terms of knowledge.


Mechatronics covers a wide range from serial production lines to white goods, from home technology to advanced medical devices, from computer controlled looms to robots, automotive to aircraft and rail systems. In addition, robots and automatic machines that can perceive, reason, make decisions, and act in the direction of this decision have become the indispensable basic tools of the contemporary world.

Our Mechatronics Program, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, complete workshops, labs and devices; Employs mechatronics technicians to work in this area using electrical, electronic, mechanical, robotic systems, hydraulic-pneumatic, servo systems, PLC control circuits, control system components and software techniques.

Mechatronics (Evening Education)

Our Mechatronics Program, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, complete workshops, labs and devices; Employs mechatronics technicians to work in this area using electrical, electronic, mechanical, robotic systems, hydraulic-pneumatic, servo systems, PLC control circuits, control system components and software techniques.

Architectural Restoration

Turkey is very rich both from the ancestors and from historical monuments remaining from other civilizations that must have lived in this land. There are many masterpieces, which have survived to the present day, from our ancestors who have unique works such as Mimar Sinan and from their students. In addition to these, many historical artifacts from other civilizations were discovered during archaeological excavations and they are intended to be preserved. These historical artifacts and structures, which are so numerous that we cannot know the number, have been succumbing to the time, so as not to lose their properties the renewal of those who have lost their characteristics partially or completely in accordance with the original is only possible by the people who do this work. Graduates of this program must be trained in the field of architectural restoration. Therefore, it is essential to provide both theoretical and practical training. On the basis of restoration, it is important to know the history of the restored structure well. It is planned to provide training fort the areas such as art history, construction, architecture, archeology etc.

For the students studying at the Architectural Restoration Program of Gedik Vocational School of Gedik University, it is aimed that the profession is fully trained not only in practice but also in terms of knowledge with having all kinds of knowledge and skills in their fields and knowledge and skills in the areas of basic architectural and restoration.

Polymer Technology

Together with the changing needs and consumption habits brought by the developing time, plastic products started to replace the materials used previously. Plastic, which is becoming an important trigger for the world and environment we live in, has replaced materials such as steel, iron and metal in automotive, textile, packaging etc. For this reason, it is aimed to train technicians who have knowledge and skills about the competencies needed by the sector, can present innovative ideas to the sector in which they are involved, and are equipped with scientific and technological competencies with the Polymer Technology Program in the rubber and plastic sector which continues to develop rapidly.

Underwater Technology

Underwater Technology is a two year associate degree program. The program offers to you for 2 years of training. In the first year, free diving, life saving and instrumental diving training are being given and our students are able to practice in the tourism diving area with the help of the diver title in various diving schools at the end of the first year.

In the second year of their training, students are given resources and cutting training in underwater industry. Our education has been accredited by the International Welding Institute (IIW). In this way, we prepare our graduates for the work environment where they can work all over the world. At the same time in their second year students are taught lessons such as sunken salvage, underwater search and rescue, underwater film and photography, underwater robotic systems (ROV), professional yacht captainship and non-destructive inspection (NDT). At the end of these two years Our graduates have two very valuable certificates, such as “First Class Diver Diploma” and “Pressure Chamber Operator”, which universities can not provide any undergraduate programs in Turkey except for the Underwater Technology Program and Naval Forces.

At the end of the second year, our students will be doing industrial diving internships and will have titles that have a great deal of job opportunities, such as first class industrial divers and professional yacht captains. The students studying in this department are preferred by the companies without graduating yet. The students who graduate from the school can work in the underwater industry as well as the diver in the tourism field.

Non-Destructive Testing

Istanbul Gedik University Gedik Vocational School Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Program; Specialized training staff in the field and non-destructive inspection of all possibilities with the experienced staff of Gedik Holding gives practical training. The non-destructive examination program is carried out for 2 years.

Non-destructive inspection is the type of inspection performed without harming the integrity of the material or part to be controlled. The non-destructive inspection program is a science and technology field that aims to evaluate the internal structure of materials by using the necessary materials and methods, interpretation, evaluation of the quality in terms of quality before using the products in various industrial areas. Those who want to be non-destructive inspection technician; Chemistry and physics, have the ability to think analytically, and have good hand skills. The non-destructive inspection program includes aviation and aerospace industry, defense industry, machinery manufacturing industry, quality control companies. Also; A wide range of non-destructive inspection programs including power plants, steel construction, chemical-petrochemical, refineries, cement, fertilizer sectors are required.

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International Research University With Applied Studies