Biomedical Device Technology

Technical Programs

In the Biomedical Device Technology program, the basic principles of the devices used for diagnosis and treatment in the health sector, electronic infrastructure, installation, maintenance, repair and calibrations, Students who successfully complete the school receive the title of “Biomedical Device Technician”. Graduates are able to find job opportunities in the biomedical technical services of hospitals with biomedical and electronic firms that manufacture and sell medical devices. The undergraduate departments that graduates of this program can graduate vertically; Biomedical Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Gedik Vocational School has an intensive practical training in Biomedical Device Technology program. In addition to the summer practice of 30 working days, our students practice some of the lessons in the laboratories while they practice in the 3rd and 4th semesters by going to the contracted state hospitals in İstanbul Anatolian side, one full day a week. In this way, they can have a job experience where they can write their CVs on their job applications by gaining experience about the profession without graduating, knowing the profession and working environment in place and knowing it closely.


This program, which provides job opportunities for companies that manufacture and sell hospitals and medical devices, Learn the basic principles of biomedical devices, installation, maintenance, repair and calibration, use of measuring and testing instruments, use of computer, preparation of technical report, project and specification, legal regulations and accreditation criteria in medical devices and coordination between engineering and medical science.

To train specialist technical personnel in the fields of maintenance, repair and operation of instruments and devices used for diagnosis and treatment in the health sector.


To create a global program structure that is innovative, making difference, producing value and creating a perfection by educating future students in the field of Biomedical Device Technology and expanding the outstanding teaching staff.

International Research University With Applied Studies