Announcements and News

Morocco Fair

Morocco Fair

At the International Student Fair held in Morocco, our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Şakir Dinçşahin and our International Relations Coordinator Ahmet Tezel represented and introduced Turkey, Istanbul and our University.




In accordance with the Higher Education Council Decision dated 17.02.2023;


1. In the 2022-2023 Spring semester, education and training will be carried out by distance education (online) method in all programs,

2. The spring semester, which started on 30.01.2023, continues as stated in the academic calendar, no changes are made,

3. The decision about the practice of the theoretic courses taught through distance education, to be left until April, the decision to be taken by the Council of Higher Education in April,

4. The students in the vocational education and internship programs in the business who continue their education in accordance with the “Framework Regulation on Applied Education in Higher Education” and the students who take the teaching practice continue their education face-to-face,

5. Students who will continue their applied education at universities in the provinces affected by the earthquake or whose first-degree relatives reside in these provinces and are registered at universities in other provinces can become special status students at our University free of charge, upon their request,

6. The registration of students who are registered in our university’s programs and who request them to be frozen in the spring semester and this period is not deducted from the maximum education period of the program,

7. To cancel the unpaid spring semester instalments of the students of our university in the provinces affected by the earthquake, whose first-degree relatives died or whose first-degree relatives’ residences were destroyed or damaged,



• Our students are welcome to contact our Health, Culture and Sports Department at [email protected] e-mail address and mobile number 0530 222 60 20, management, the dean’s office, department heads and advisors for academic issues, and also write to [email protected] for all kinds of requests and propositions.

• Our University Central Library will continue to work between 08:00-22:00 on weekdays and between 08:00-17:00 on weekends. Our Vocational School Library will continue to work between 08:00-17:30 on weekdays.

• Communal areas of the university are open for our students.

TV Program in Uzbekistan

TV Program in Uzbekistan

Our international relations coordinator Ahmet Tezel gave information about our university in the television program he attended in Uzbekistan.

Education Fair in Uzbekistan

Education Fair in Uzbekistan

As Gedik University, we perticipated in international ecuation fair held in Tashkent.

Our University Collaborations in Uzbekistan

Our University Collaborations in Uzbekistan

Our international relations coordinator Ahmet Tezel discussed the cooperation opportunities between our university with the Rector of Uzbekistan Alfranganus University Mr. Farmonqul Egamberdiyev and the Rector of Perfect University Mr. Mahmudov Muhammismoil.



Dear prospective students,

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students who participated in the YÖS exam and chose Istanbul Gedik University for their educational journey. Your interest in our institution is truly appreciated.

To complete the registration process, please follow the steps outlined in the application link provided. When applying, it is crucial to upload all the required documents, including your YÖS Placement Document, along with any other necessary paperwork.

We eagerly anticipate welcoming you to our campus. Should you have any questions or need assistance during the application process, feel free to reach out to our International Office.

We are excited about the prospect of having you join our academic community.

Kazakhstan Fair

Kazakhstan Fair

As the International Office, we participated in the "Turkish Universities Promotion Fair" held in the cities of Astana and Almaty, Kazakhstan, on May 18 - 22, 2023. We had the opportunity to meet candidate students and introduce our university's programs

Pakistan Fair

Pakistan Fair

As the International Office, we participated in the 21st Education Turkey Fair in Pakistan, which took place in Lahore and Islamabad. This event provided us with the valuable opportunity to engage with students in person. Furthermore, we had the privilege of meeting the Turkish Consul General and the Ambassador in Islamabad.

Tunisia Fair

Tunisia Fair

International Office had the opportunity to meet our Tunisian candidate students by attending the Turkish University Fair held in Sfax and Tunis on 16-17 June.

Azerbaijan Fair

Azerbaijan Fair

As the International Office, we participated in the "Turkish Universities Promotion Fair" held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on October 7, 2023. We had the opportunity to meet candidate students and introduce our university's programs

Algeria Fair

Algeria Fair

Our International Office represented Turkey, Istanbul and our University at the Sfed Turkish Universities 2023 Fair organized in Algeria.



Değerli Öğrencilerimiz / Dear Students / أعزائي الطلاب


İkamet izni olmayan öğrencilerin, aşağıda belirtilen belgeleri tarafımıza 7 gün içinde sunmaları gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde kaydınız silinecektir. Belgeleri eksiksiz ve herhangi bir bilgi eksikliği olmadan getirmeniz gerekmektedir. Öğrenci İşleri'ne teslim  etmeniz gereken belgeler şunlardır: 

• İkamet İzni Kayıt Başvuru Formu.

• Pasaport veya eşdeğer belge.

• Öğrenci statüsünü gösteren belge.

• 4 adet biyometrik fotoğraf.

• Geçerli sağlık sigortası.

• Kalacağınız adres bilgilerini gösteren belge. Geçerli ise kira sözleşmesi veya otelde kalındığına dair belge.

• İkamet izni belge bedelinin ödendiğine dair makbuz.



Students without a residence permit must submit the following documents to us within 7 days. Otherwise, your registration will be deleted. You must bring the documents to the Student Affairs Office in their entirety, with no missing information:

•     Residence Permit Registration Application Form.

•     Passport or equivalent document.

•     Document indicating student status.

•     4 biometric photographs.

•     Valid health insurance.

•     Document showing the address information where you will reside. Rental agreement or document confirming residence in a hotel if applicable.

•     Receipt confirming payment of the residence permit document fee.



الطلاب الذين ليس لديهم تصريح إقامة أو انتهت تصاريح إقامتهم عليهم تقديم جميع المستندات المذكورة أدناه إلى إدارة شؤون الطلاب خلال 7 أيام وإلا سيتم إلغاء تسجيلهم:

• استمارة طلب تصريح الإقامة (

• جواز السفر أو وثيقة معادلة له.

• وثيقة تبين حالة الطالب الدراسية.

• 4 صور فوتوغرافية بيومترية.

• تأمين صحي ساري المفعول.

• مستند يوضح معلومات عنوان إقامة الطالب، بما في ذلك عقد الإيجار أو وثيقة تثبت الإقامة في فندق... إلخ.

• إيصال دفع رسوم وثيقة تصريح الإقامة

LET'S MEET UP! February 14, 13:30 Halil Kaya Gedik Campus Winter Garden

LET'S MEET UP! February 14, 13:30 Halil Kaya Gedik Campus Winter Garden

The executives and representatives from Gedik Holding Companies are coming together with our international students for intership and job opportunities!

February 14, Wednesday 13:30

Halil Kaya Gedik Campus Winter Garden

Egypt Fair

Egypt Fair

As the International Office of Istanbul Gedik University, we participated in the Edis 7 Fair held in Cairo.

Azerbaijan Turkish Universities Fair

Azerbaijan Turkish Universities Fair

Açılışını Bakü Büyükelçimiz Doç. Dr. Cahit Bağcı ve Rektörümüz Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kesik yaptığı Azerbaycan Türk Üniversiteleri Tanıtım fuarına katılım sağladık. Yoğun katılımın olduğu fuarda, çok sayıda Azerbaycanlı öğrenciyle tanışma fırsatı bulduk. 


We participated in the Azerbaijani-Turkish Universities Promotion Fair, which was opened by our Ambassador in Baku, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahit Bağcı and our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kesik. We had the opportunity to meet many Azerbaijani students at the fair, which was very well attended. 

Egypt - Cairo Fair

Egypt - Cairo Fair

We hosted our candidate students at the fair held in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. We also met with the staff of the Cairo Yunus Emre Institute. We would like to thank all the students who participated in the fair. 



Dear Students,

We hope you're having a great summer! We just wanted to send a quick note to remind you that from September 23 to October 04, you'll need to make your course selections. To do this, you'll need to register in the OBS system and create a password. Once you've done that, your course schedule will be created after your selected courses are approved by your advisor.

We wish you all a successful and enjoyable academic year! 

Our Rector is Meeting with students

Our Rector is Meeting with students

Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kesik, is coming together with our students to hear their ideas and answer their questions! 

Tuesday, December 10     /    Gedik vocational School 

Wednesday, December 11  /   Kartal Campus Foyer 

We warmly invite all our students to the Rector - Student Meeting! 

About Face to Face Classes on February 20, 2025

About Face to Face Classes on February 20, 2025

Due to ongoing adverse weather conditions in Istanbul, all face-to-face classes scheduled for February 20, 2025, will be conducted online via the Distance Education Platform at the same time and date as per the announced course schedule.

Our academic staff and students can access the Distance Education Platform using their Student Information System (OBS) username and passwordIf you experience any login issues, please first check your OBS credentials. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it via the provided link.

Distance Education System:
Support: [email protected]
Contact: +90 534 893 89 72

International Research University With Applied Studies